Hello Dog Mocs nation. You guys are the best, so we’ve decided that May will be Customer Appreciation Month! And we want to thank all of you with deep discounts on your next purchase, a chance for Free Mocs, and even Cash Prizes! Plus, we’ll be highlighting your photos and stories throughout May on our social media platforms. Here’s what to do... 1. Send us photos of your worn Mocs, (even better to include your buddy). Send via email, ([email protected]), direct message us on Instagram message (@dogmocs1), or post on your page and TAG us, so we see it. 2. Tell us how they got worn…. some places you’ve been and the terrains you’ve encountered. And don’t forget to tell us HOW LONG they’ve lasted. That’s important for the prizes. 3. Those of you who use your Dog Mocs for SLIPPERY FLOORS… we want to hear from you too! Your Mocs may not be quite as worn, but how they make your dog’s life better is no less important. (Code will be valid for Dog Mocs purchase throughout May) Top 3 stories of Dog Mocs Longevity, Rugged Exploits, or just flat-out “Amazingness” will receive a FREE set of Mocs AND choose a $50 gift card to the online retailer of your choice. Here’s an example, sent to us a couple years ago from Brett and his dog, Ellie. "As Ellie gets older, she injures her paw pads quite easily. I’ve tried other boots, but they just caused blisters, especially around her dew claws. A friend sent me a video of Dog Mocs and she’s been so much happier since, and a lot more mobile. She wears them on hikes, hot streets and whenever I need to protect her pads. They’ve lasted over 2 years!! And now here I am for another set."
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