Beware of foxtails while out and about with your dogs! Foxtails have barbed razor-sharp needles that are dangerous to your dog. If you are exposed, thoroughly inspect the hot spots (ears, nose, eyes, underbelly, between toe pads). Wearing Dog Mocs will help make sure that they do not get between their paw pads/toes.
- Foxtails can go up the nose and migrate to the brain. - Embedded foxtails can cause pain and even death in extreme cases - Pets with long fur and long ears are especially prone to getting foxtails - Foxtails move in one direction. They dig in, and they do not come out on their own. - Foxtails love paws and can easily embed between toes. - Foxtails can dig into any part of the body, and they don't dissolve. - Foxtails pieces can easily be inhaled & puncture a lung!